INFS 767 Spring 2004

Prof. Ravi Sandhu

Take-home Examination 3


Due in class on 4/21/04


This is an examination.  You must write the answer yourself without ANY discussion with anyone else.  Your answers should be based on the material discussed in class.  You are free to consult additional literature on the topic but your time is likely better spent answering the question based on the lectures and the class readings.


Provide a signed statement with your submission stating, I have not given help or taken help from anyone on this assignment.


There are two questions.  Answert each question in 500 words or less.  Your answer should be a coherently written essay that flows and reads similar to a technical paper.  Your solution should be prepared in soft copy, although diagrams may be hand-drawn.  Please submit hard copy on the due date in class.  If you cannot make it to class on the due date submit via email to or fax to 253 563 3509 before the class.


1.      In context of RCL2000 let us define a type 1 constraint to have the form |set| £ 1 and a type 2 constraint to have the form |set| = 1.  Discuss the difference between these two types of constraints at each of the Objective, Model, Architecture and Mechanism layers.


HINT:  Consider the policies that can be supported by type 1 and by type 2 constraints.  This is the “what” aspect.  Also consider what it would take to enforce these two types of constraints.  This is the “how” aspect.


2.      Discuss the relationship between UCON and RBAC.