INFS 780, Fall 2003, Examination 1

Posted: 10/08/2003, Due in class: 10/21/03

Prof. Ravi Sandhu


This is a take-home, open-book and open-time examination.  You are required to solve it on your own using the textbook and class notes, without use of any additional material or books.  Please sign and submit the following honor code statement with your solution:


I have not taken any help on this examination from anyone and not provided any help to anyone.  I have not used any material other than class notes and the prescribed textbook.  The solution has been entirely worked out by me and represents my individual effort.


Please submit a typed or neatly handwritten solution with the signed honor code statement.  Keep a copy for your records and reference.  The process for grading the examination will be discussed later.  Any clarification questions regarding the examination should be emailed to  Clarifications will be posted on this page as needed.




  1. Sipser, page 87, exercise 1.20
  2. Sipser, page 88, problem 1.24
  3. Sipser, page 148, exercise 3.7
  4. Sipser, page 149, problem 3.12
  5. Sipser, page 169, exercise 4.5
  6. Sipser, page 195, problem 5.13
  7. Sipser, page 272, problem 7.17
  8. Sipser, page 273, problem 7.22



10/08/03: Examination 1 posted.  No clarifications so far.