IT 862: Computer Security Models and Architectures

Professor Ravi Sandhu

Spring 2004, Thursday 4:30pm - 7:10pm, Robinson A249

This course is now very different from its last offering in Spring 2003.  It will be based on papers from the literature. It is required of all doctoral students in the Information Security and Assurance track.

INFS 780 is a pre-requisite for this course effective Spring 2004.

INFS 767 is officially a pre-requisite but may be taken as a co-requisite.

Important Notice:

·         2/21/04: Assignment 2 has been posted here.  Due in class 3/18/04.

·         2/6/04: Take-home examination 1 has been posted here.  Due in class 2/19/04.

·         Please do not sign up for this course unless you have COMPLETED INFS 780 and have either COMPLETED INFS 767 or are CONCURRENTLY ENROLLED in INFS 767.

o        There are NO exceptions to these requirements. SORRY!

·         This is a tough course with high expectations of the students. Be prepared to be self-reliant and don't let yourself get surprised.

o        We cover a lot of advanced material, without any text book.

o        The source material is mostly research papers that are quite demanding.

o        The material will be determined dynamically as the course proceeds, so I cannot tell you in advance exactly what the course will cover.

o        The exact format of the course depends on the number of students who sign up and their backgrounds. This will take a couple of weeks to develop.

o        Monitor the class web site frequently.

·         Look forward to an exciting course!

Course Prerequisites:    

·         INFS 767 and INFS 780. INFS 767 can be taken as a co-requisite.

·         Must be internet, web, pdf (get Acrobat Reader here) and postscript (get GSview here) capable.

·         Must know how to access ACM, IEEE and any other digital libraries available to the GMU community. On-campus and off-campus access to these libraries is available to all GMU students. Links are conveniently available at University Libraries -- Database Wizard

·         No assistance beyond the web links above will be provided on these basic Internet capabilities.

·         There are NO exceptions to these prerequisites. SORRY!

Schedule of Classes:

Grading Policy:

·         Grades will be based on assignments, examinations and class participation. 

Archives: Spring 2003 (course has changed since then)