The safety problem in access control


Read Carefully

  1. Harrison, M.H. and Ruzzo, W.L. and Ullman, J.D.  “Protection in Operating Systems”, CACM, v 19, n 8, pp. 461-471, 1976.  Available in ACM digital library through GMU.


  1. Ravi Sandhu, “The Schematic Protection Model: Its Definition and Analysis for Acyclic Attenuating Schemes.” Journal of the ACM, Volume 35, Number 2, April 1988, pages 404-432.   pdf


  1. Ravi Sandhu, “The Typed Access Matrix Model.” Proc. IEEE Symposium on Research in Security and Privacy, Oakland, California, May 1992, pages 122-136. pdf

Additional References

  1. Graham, G.S. and Denning, P.J.  “Protection - Principles and Practice”,  AFIPS Spring Joint Computer Conference, v 40, ,  pp. 417-429, 1972.  Not available electronically.


  1. Harrison, M.H. and Ruzzo, W.L.  “Monotonic Protection Systems”,  in Foundations of Secure Computations, Academic Press, 1978.


  1. Lampson, B.W.   “Protection”,  5th Princeton Symposium on Information Science and Systems, 1971.  Reprinted in ACM Operating Systems Review  8(1):18--24, 1974.  Available in ACM digital library through GMU.


  1. Lipton, R.J. and Budd, T.A.  “On Classes of Protection Systems”,  in Foundations of Secure Computations, Academic Press, 1978.


  1. Lipton, R.J. and Snyder, L.,  “A Linear Time Algorithm for Deciding Subject Security”,  JACM,  v 24, n 3, pp. 455-464, 1977. Available in ACM digital library through GMU.


  1. Lockman, A. and Minsky, N.  “Unidirectional Transport of Rights and Take-Grant Control”,  IEEE TSE, v SE-8, n 6, pp. 597-604, 1982.  Not available in IEEE digital library.


  1. Ravi Sandhu, “Undecidability of Safety for the Schematic Protection Model with Cyclic Creates.” Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Volume 44, Number 1, February 1992, pages 141-159. pdf